Discover This Month's 3-Course Special at Café the Plaza!

Exciting news from Café the Plaza as we unveil our latest 3-Course Special, a culinary delight that promises to enchant your taste buds without breaking the bank—available for just $27.50 per person!

Appetizers: Begin with Flair

Choose between the crisp and refreshing Watermelon & Feta Salad, drizzled with balsamic glaze, or the luxurious Creamy Escargots, baked to perfection in garlic butter sauce.

Main Courses: The Flavorful Centerpiece

Indulge in our Lomito Skewers, grilled to tender perfection, or opt for the ocean's bounty with our Grilled Salmon, served with a zesty lemon butter sauce.

Dessert: The Perfect Ending

Conclude your meal on a high note with our irresistible Lava Cake, featuring a molten chocolate heart and rich, fluffy cake.

Book Your Experience

With limited seats available, we invite you to reserve your spot at Café the Plaza now. Join us for an unforgettable dining journey, where each dish is a celebration of flavor and culinary craftsmanship.

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